A8 A8+1

icon Praha » Biograd 933km
9h 53min


amenities icons Terrasse
amenities icons TV+SAT
amenities icons Kühlschrank
amenities icons Mikrowelle
amenities icons Kocher
amenities icons Kessel
amenities icons Telefon
amenities icons Grill
Město: Biograd
Region: Zadar


Zoran Jakobac Tel: Mob: 00385912323087
Im Katalog von 2020.

Der Vermieter spricht folgende Sprachen:

Preise und Verfügbarkeit

Ubytovací jednotka:
Frei Belegt

Předběžná cena:

0 EUR /pobyt
Der Preis ist für 2 Erwachsene, a 14 Tage
Der Preis ist für 4+2 Personen und 11 Tage
Vlastník nezadal cenu za vybraný termín

Vybraný termín je příliš krátký! Minimální pošet nocí je 0!

Je možné že uvedený poèet osob nebude možné ubytovat (překrošena kapacita)!

Příplatky za osoby navíc již v ceně.



Sehr gut 4.17/5


Dominika Skorupa

Eingefügt : 25.08.2022

Hallo, we spend a week on the bigger apartament and the house and Gardena was Perfect clean and really nice to live... Besides the owner mr. Zoran....which was really rude. Once he enter to the house without any question if he can. But the worse was that that second day he came to check out our documents. everything ok but he wants to take our documents with him for hole night ! We didnt agree for that ofcourse.... I dont know if IT is normal in Croatia but no in Poland so we let him do some photos of IDs and than he get so angry! He tell us it is our first and the last time. So rude! Dont even try to understand us. Ofcourse he could lost IT and I couldnt come back home. Everything could happen even if he didnt want enything bad for us. I Hope not but he should understand us. Besides this situation I recommend this apartment for You. Nice clean house., Patio with a roof to spend nice time with friends and so close to see.